Data Recovery FAQ

Due to many inquiries that we receive from clients during phone calls we have compiled some of the most frequently asked question for your perusal.


How much will it cost?

There are many cases of data loss and we cannot just quote you over the phone or before we examine your media. There are many factors that will determine the cost of recovery. First thing that we consider is how you lost your data. This will determine the type of action that will be taken to have it recovered. Also the type/size of data and your hard disk capacity though the capacity doesn't matter that much when costing.


How long will it take to recover my data?

Issue of time here will also be determined by the case in which you lost your data. Deleted file or folder will take less time (from two to five hours depending on the size of your media) while formatted media might go for a day or two. A hardware problem will take two to three weeks.


I'm I going to get all my data back?

When you loose your data, our advice to you is to refer the case to us immediately. Recovering lost data requires a person who has some technical knowledge on how to go about it. Many clients usually call us after unsuccessfully trying many other methods or leaving it to inexperienced technicians who sometime make it difficult to recover data that could have been easily recovered by us.


Should I try a data recovery myself - or could I have my internal or contract system person run a data recovery utility on my drive before I send it to a lab?

You run a huge risk of further corrupting data on a suspect drive or media with a utility programme or other standard recovery procedures. Many untrained data recovery programmers assume a drive is optimized both mechanically and electrically. If a drive is not performing at an optimal level, a utility will try to fix things that may not be corrupted. One result may be further data loss or corruption beyond any type of recovery. Your best bet is to call an expert.


How can I ensure I won't repeat a data loss situation from recurring?

Failures are a fact of life, but you can mitigate these problems with a disaster prevention and recovery plan. Be sure to back up your data and always call Compfix Data Systems on speed dial



Who we are

Compfix Data Limited, a privately owned data management firm that provides proven solutions for disaster recovery, retention, security and discovery of electronic information. Our innovative technologies combined with flexible deployment options form solutions to solve organizations' most rigorous compliance and data management problems. .

Primary contacts

Tel: +254 20 2220685

Tel: +254 20 3585585



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